Awesome!!! Thank you for your time and ability!
Hi Guys
I'm new in this Forum. I really like this project. I like the idea to control MSSIAH over an VST app.
Im also interested into visual conseption of this app. I wanted always to develope some hardware controlling apps concepts cos they would be really helpfull in studio inviroment. I prepared some grafical conception for osx hardsid software cos I wanted always try things like that and i hoped that i can inspire some coders to push the things forward. I realised after few months that there is no activity around osx driver project anymore and that many mac users stayed with their hardsids covered with thick layer of dust without possibility to use it.
I'm puting this grafik on this Forum cos I thought, maybe Mr. lynxxx needs some designer on board.
Last edited by IOIO (2009-06-09 23:39:45)
10/10 for that design
It's beautiful.
that looks awesome IOIO, just sent a reply to your email. We definetly need to talk
Unbelievably sick!
I've been considering making a Sequencer panel like my Monosynth one. But I've put it off as there's not much point if Lynxx is doing one.
What to do, what to do ?!?! :-/
At the moment I simply do not have time for this project although things will likely improve in the following weeks. I've finally finished rewiring the entire studio and the C64 has gained a new prominent position on my left Once my work project is finished I will dive back into this piece of software :-) For now everything is still on hold however. I found that the sequencer programming "structure" is fairly hard to grasp in some areas. It might be a good idea to exchange some thoughts on how this software should behave in an ideal setup.
Last edited by lynxxx (2009-08-18 10:55:06)
Allright, it's almost christmas now. How's it going? What's happening?
Wondering if this is totally dead?
Received a few requests in my email so figured I'd answer here:
Unfortunately the project is dead for now. I've run into numerous software stability and midi timing issues that I was unable to solve with the Synthmaker software (and my limited knowledge of the software) at the time I was working on it. Pretty soon thereafter my daughter was born which as those of you who are parents will know, pretty much turns your life upside down. I've also landed a couple of major projects from new clients since and started two new companies which take up all of my time at the moment. In the mean time I noticed that a couple of others had already picked up where I left off and built some pretty amazing stuff so I figured there would be less of a need for my software and it would be a matter of time before somebody else covered all the ground I was working on.
That doesn't mean I have completely lost interest in this project. I still very much would like to complete it but simply dont have the time or resources at the moment to do so, which is a pity because Synthmaker (now Flowstone) have made some massive improvements to their dev. software since and I have five C64's currently gathering dust in my studio. However it would be unfair to keep hopes up as I simply have no clue when, if ever, I will find the time to redo/complete this project. If there is enough interest to pursue this project in a collaborative fashion I'll see what I can do. If there isn't then I'll try to dig up my project files and release them online for posterity.
Hello Lynxxx – thanks for the answer
Privacy life should always be first in line in any case.
I saw that the last post in this project was from 2009 and I’m sure many of the features has been improved in “Synthmaker/Flowstone" to make your project more stable both as it is and with midi timing.
Until now I have used the interface on the C64 Mssiha, which force the user to use Mssiha in another creativity way. I have even made live performances with the unit, which is brilliant and fun. But having the option to getting a better overview on the unit would be ever more fun and giving the user a new “work-flow" . I was searching on Google to find some kind of new interface to work on for the C64 and to my surprise it leads me back to this topic.
There are made other projects for the drums and the other machines, but I haven’t actually noticed any projects made for the sequencer yet. This is my main work tool inside Mssiha. I have tried request an update from the 8bitventures but the maker doesn’t have any plans about making any new updates. About the technical questions, then it should be possible to contact the maker:
I will be honestly with you; I don’t know how big the interest is in this Mssiha these days but I’m sure, if people could control the features from their daw, then it would wake an interest. Both in your tool and in the Mssiha community in general.
Last edited by gravedraq (2013-08-16 11:44:00)