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#1 2013-10-07 09:47:34

Gianas Sister
Registered: 2012-09-04
Posts: 26

FS: Commodore 64 + Mssiah

I want to make serious clean-up in my room to make more space for other things therfore i decied to sell my C64C with Mssiah.
This is model C64C and uses 8580 SID chip

This sale include:
- C64
- Sid2Sid (6Voices)
- Micromys V4 (PS/2 mus interface) (Incl ps/2 mouse)
- 2 output (1 for each sid)
- Little LCD screen
- Reset knob mod on top
- SD card-reader (incl. a card)
- Adapter
- Mssiah (incl. midi in)

All works!

In trade, I have only interest in:
E-mu 6400 Ultra
E-mu e4xt
E-mu E4 Platinum
Ensoniq ASR-10r

Price: 3500 KR (Danish krones)
Location: Denmark, Randers (Jylland)




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