to use with Mssiah/Prophet64 and maybe have a synth on it... I've looked at the Xiosynth and the SH-201. Maybe just a plain controller though, any suggestions?
I use a Xiosynth quite regularly, which is pretty good for a couple of octaves and is fairly cheap. It has velocity, but the keys are a little spongy. However, it also has an XY pad which is freely assignable, so that's pretty damn cool!
Well, I decided I couldn't afford a full blown synth right now so I got a novation remote 25 le. Still has the xy pad so it's pretty fun.
i think any controller is good for drive the CC of the prophet.
Every controller today has more fine range or envelope than a c64.
I try to control with ableton, m-audio keyboard, akai sequencer and all works fine with all control and modes.